The Essay Contest is sponsored by Optimist International to give young people the opportunity to write about their own opinions regarding the world in which they live. The approach can encompass a young person’s

personal experience, the experience of their country, or a more historical perspective. In addition to developing skills for written

expression, participants also have the opportunity to win a college scholarship.

In the Optimist Club of Huntsville contest, the top three winners receive $500, $300, and $100 for first, second, and third places, respectively. In addition, to encourage participation by younger

entrants, a special $100 award will be given for the best entry by student under the age of 15, not winning one of the top three awards.

The First Place essay at the Club level will advance to the District contest to compete for a $2500 college scholarship.

The deadline for entries is:

11:59 pm, 1 February 2025

Local winners will be announced before the end of February each year.

The theme for the 2024-2025 year is:

“How Optimism Has Paved My Road to Success”

2024-25 Contestant Application Form

Click on icon for the official form