VOL. 60, No. 32, June 8, 2006

President Will Dawes called on President-Elect Sidney Sandridge to open today's business meeting at the Optimist Recreation Center with a prayer. Then we pledged allegiance to the flag. Alabama/ Mississippi Governor-Elect Tom Casteel was in charge of food today and he came through in spades, both quantity-wise and quality-wise. About 20 to 25 enjoyed tasty barbequed chicken, green beans and potato salad from Tim's Cajun Kitchen. Our newest member, Keith Lowe, was in attendance. Welcome aboard Keith! We all look forward to knowing you better.

Our Secretary/ Treasurer was not able to attend today so Will passed out his May report for our consideration. No one had any questions so we moved on to Al Renz for the rest of the meeting. Al gave an excellent detailed summary of the proposed by-law changes to be presented at the Optimist International Convention in Nashville next month. Districts will be phased out and be replaced by 10 Regions, with each Region having its own Vice President and a paid Regional Support Liaison employee. The total membership of Optimist Clubs has decreased from 170,000 to about 100,000 in recent years. The proposed organizational changes are designed to reverse this trend and to promote membership increases in order to make a more significant impact on our service to young people.

Our club will have two votes ( one vote for each 25 members or major fraction thereof ). It was the general feeling of the club that President-Elect Sidney and President Will cast our votes. A general show of hands indicated our club was not in favor of the proposed changes, however, it was felt that our two voters not be bound by this, but should cast their votes based on their determination, after hearing the pro and con arguments at the convention. If approved, the new Regional structure will become effective October 1, 2008.


June 22 Thursday 11:45 am Downtown Holiday Inn Checks To Charity
June 29 Thursday 11:45 am Downtown Holiday Inn Checks To Charity
July 6 Thursday 11:45 am Downtown Holiday Inn Checks To Charity
July 11 Tuesday 4:00 pm 1st Commercial Bank Board Meeting
July 13 Thursday 11:45 am Downtown Holiday Inn TBA by Will Dawes
July 20 Thursday 11:45 am Optimist Recreation Center Business Meeting
Carl W.