VOL. 60, No. 31, June 1, 2006

VP Sidney Sandridge opened today's meeting with a prayer, and ended it by taking home our door prize. He won't be able to take much of a vacation with his winnings, though, since we had fewer than 20 paying members in attendance. However, we had several guests. Sidney's guest was engineer Mike Carstensen; Howard Wright's guest was Teresa Webb, former mud wrestler (now insurance agent); Alberto had 4 guests, Dr. David Woods, Headmaster of Randolph School, his wife Margie, Dr. Woods' Administrative Assistant Evie, and Alberto's son Fabiani.

Duane Plank inducted our 2 newest members into the Optimist Club; Bob Martin, sponsored by Sidney; and Matt Hancock, sponsored by Jeff Klimek. Welcome to both!

Since we had no program today Pres Will Dawes read some passages from a new Optimist International booklet about our Creed. He plans to address each tenet of the Creed in turn over the next 10 meetings, and he encourages members to purchase the publication for about $5. Will challenged current members to recite the Creed 3 times each day for a month, and see what a difference it will make in your life. It's worth a try. Zack suggested that the club buy 100 copies and have them for sale to the members. Furthermore, he recommended that a copy be given to each new member. Sounds like a good idea. Jeff Klimek - please note.

Will said Zack will have our program next week. I think he called it "The Life and Times of Zack Thompson." Someone shouted out not to publicize this program if we wanted anyone to show up. Optimist Will took exactly the opposite outlook. He promises to call each regular attendee this week and have them to call 4 who have not been coming lately, and he'll alert the Downtown Holiday Inn to expect and set up for 50. The ad hoc committee to find a new meeting place will make a report at our business meeting. Several I've talked with like the food we're being served and feel the prestige of our club has been enhanced since we moved from the Elks Lodge.

Al Renz has been asked to summarize the contemplated Optimist International organizational changes for our consideration, and to enable us to advise our delegates, Sidney Sandridge and Will Dawes, to the Nashville Convention -- to vote our desires there.

Fred Binner has moved home from Crestwood, but he and Martha Sue still need our sustaining prayers.


June 6 Tuesday 4:00 pm 1st Commercial Bank Board Meeting
June 8 Thursday 11:45 am Downtown Holiday Inn Zack Thompson
June 15 Thursday 11:45 am Optimist Recreation Center Business Meeting
June 22 Thursday 11:45 am Downtown Holiday Inn TBA
June 29 Thursday 11:45 am Downtown Holiday Inn TBA
Carl W.