We held our monthly business meeting today at the ORC (Optimist Recreation Center) with Sidney Sandridge presiding. Sec-Treas Jeff Klimek stopped by briefly with copies of our monthly receipts and disbursements for each member, but. couldn't stay for lunch. Sidney got us started with a prayer and led our pledge of allegiance. After eating we reviewed Jeff s report and since there were no questions Pres. Sidney moved on to call on Al Renz to tell us of some of his activities that are coming to a conclusion. Al passed around our submission to the District describing our band instrument program. It was a splendid piece of work that we've learned to expect from Al (well arranged), including color pictures of members actively involved. I feel the District will be proud of what has been transpiring in North Alabama for the past dozen years or so.
Then Al reported that the good news 4s, that we are officially finalists in the Huntsville and `Madison County competition for the on-profit organization of the year. The bad news is that we are one of 19 finalists in contention -- many of which we support -our community service efforts.: Since our application was an attractive and professional package we're optimistic about our chances.
By the time you receive this bulletin the District Convention may be history, but I feel it will be a memorable one for those attending. Duane Plank reminded us that our club policy has been for members to be reimbursed for registration fees, but not for meal tickets. Sidney urged a good representation by our members. Apparently we have gathered over 100 door prizes, according to Al Renz who has acted as focal point for this - and I understand the prizes are significantly valuable. George Ferrell has put together an eye-catching cover poster, featuring Gov. Casteel, and attached to the District Bulletin detailing the Convention. He has given copies: to. the 3 local TV stations and local newspapers. Nice work, George and Al.
It was good to have Fabiani visiting us today, following his summer studies in the South of France. Sidney asked Al Castelli to update us on the status of the playground for handicapped children. Members contributed comments on all facets of this without any conclusion. Sidney asked for Al and Ralph Caneer to make a recommendation on this at the September business meeting. Sidney raised the question of our sponsoring a pancake breakfast (a project usually identified with Past Pres. Will Dawes). Ed Clark said Will will be back soon. Meanwhile, Alberto will make preliminary plans for a possible September date. Stay tuned. Our speaker 8/23 at the Holiday Inn will be Terry Davis, Supt. of County Schools. On the 30th Steve Ragsdale will tell us about Bridge Street.
John Shirey and Dave Shultz are trying to get their arms around our band instrument program. This is a busy time of the year when the band directors are making their needs known, and we are trying to accommodate them. Some instruments are at ORC, some at Band Wagon still being refurbished and others were never picked up last Spring. Those having keys to the ORC band closet are: Clarke, Shultz, Klimek, S. Sandridge, Shirey and Dawes (2 keys). Please review the Membership Roster on this bulletin. Apparently several errors have crept into it. Let me know so I can have the corrections made.