VOL. 61, No. 39, July 19, 2007

Sidney Sandridge presided at today's business meeting. He gave the invocation and led us in the pledge of allegiance. Sidney reminded us that a crew from the Huntsville and Madison County Chamber of Commerce will meet with us on the 26th to make a video of our meeting to support our application to be named non-profit organization of the year. Pres. Sidney added that he'd like to see a good turnout of neatly attired attendees on that occasion. Bob Martin will have representatives from two of the charitable organizations, that we recently awarded checks to, describe briefly how the money will be used. Zack has arranged for a program on archeology. Since we are off 9 in membership this year, bringing guests (potential members) will be emphasized the rest of the year to, hopefully, bring our membership back up before Sept. 30. This week, when the chamber meets with us, will be a good time to start by inviting a guest.

Pres.-Elect Connie and Gov. Tom Casteel reported on the Optimist International Convention in Montreal held earlier this month. There were 1800 delegates in attendance - 7 from the Alabama/ Mississippi District. Connie talked about the high quality of various training sessions she attended, preparing her for her term starting Oct. 1. The incoming International President is from Jamaica, and held the floor for 2 1/Z hours, introducing over 30 family and friends in his contingent. Next year's International Convention will be held in Grapevine, TX, located between Fort Worth and Dallas.

Duane Plank is program chairman for August, and he has a great slate of speakers lined up (see Calendar). Sandra Moon, a member of the city council, will talk about Huntsville past, present and future; Sandra Blue has authored several books, one being Computers for Dummies; Terry Davis is Superintendent of County Schools, a post once held by Optimist Ray Swaim; and Steve Ragsdale is manager of the Bridge Street Project in Cummings Research Park. Start thinking of guests you might invite to any and all of these programs. Duane wasn't with us today. We were saddened to learn of his mother's death in Missouri. The members present today signed a card, expressing our sympathy. Next week, too, Duane will be away, since he is scheduled to speak to the Birmingham Optimist Club, our club's sponsor back in 1947.

Al Castelli proposed resurrecting the plan we had a few years ago of building a playground for handicapped children adjacent to the Optimist Recreation Center. A 200K$ cost is estimated. Ralph Caneer will pull his file together on the subject.

July 26 Thursday 11:45 am Downtown Holiday Inn Mark Hubbs (Archeology)
August 2 Thursday 11:45 am Downtown Holiday Inn Sandra Moon (City Council)
August 7 Tuesday 4:00 pm 1st Commercial Bank Board Meeting
August 9 Thursday 11:45 am Downtown Holiday Inn Shannon Blue (Books)
August 16 Thursday 11:45 am Optimist Recreation Center Business Meeting
August 16-19     Airport Sheraton AL-MS District Convention
August 23 Thursday 11:45 am Downtown Holiday Inn Terry Davis (County Schools)
August 23 Thursday   Von Braun Center Chamber of Commerce Meeting
August 30 Thursday 11:45 am Downtown Holiday Inn Steve Ragsdale (Bridge Street)
Carl W.