VOL. 61, No. 36, June 21, 2007
This week we had our monthly business meeting at the ORC. Again, the business meeting food was outstanding: barbeque chicken and pork, green beans, baked beans, potato salad, rolls, drinks and dessert; prepared by Pete's Boys (formerly Rock-a-Billy) on Pratt Avenue. I understand the delicious pralines, however, were from Connie's kitchen. Our Pres.-Elect presided again this week since Pres. Sidney Sandridge continues to have medical problems. Clyde Nevins said a blessing of thanks over the chow and asked for continued divine guidance for our club and its members.
Jeff Klimek presented. the Treasurer's report, suggesting some adjustments be implemented in order for funds to be in the right category to pay for our meals. Several banquets in recent months, including many meals for guests have strained our finances and thrown our budget out of whack. Hopefully, guests will equate to new members one of these days. The club approved the necessary adjustments and we proceeded to other business. Jeff noted that he had received about a half-dozen resignations recently, and that a like number of reserved members had not paid dues for several quarters. The resignations were accepted, and an attempt to contact those not responding to Jeff's dunning would be made before they were dropped from membership.
A planning session for the District Convention to be held in Huntsville August 16-19 will be convened by Lt. Gov. Duarte at First Commercial Bank on Whitesburg Drive Tuesday, June 26, at 4:30pm, to plan how each of the clubs in the Zone will share in supporting the convention. Gov. Casteel emphasized the need for 50 to 60 door prizes to' be awarded during convention activities. The attendees always look forward to these.
Connie reported that the Club Board decided to support 4 club members to meet with the` Chamber of Commerce August 23 at the von Braun Center. This will be the Chamber's awards night, and the Huntsville Optimist Club has submitted a very compelling description of our service to the community in the non-profit organization competition. None of the awards will be revealed ahead of that date. A summary of our band instrument program and our various community service grants has been compiled and will be given to Publicity Chairman George Ferrell for distribution to the media. Al Renz will be speaking to the Noon Optimist Club on PGI (personal growth and involvement) Tuesday, July 10" at the Heritage Club. Some of us need to show up at that meeting not only to support Al but to get credit for an interclub visit. Please let Al know if you can attend for food planning purposes.
I understand there will be no luncheon meeting on July 5 - Connie plans to be in Montreal on that date, but Zack is arranging for a luncheon speaker for the 12th. On June 28 our speaker will be David Dinges, Huntsville's Long Range City Planner. With BRAG on the horizon it should be a timely program worthy of inviting a guest.
June 28 |
| Thursday |
| 11:45 am |
| Downtown Holiday Inn |
| Steve Dinges |
Carl W. |
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