Jeff Klimek was our chaplain today. After we pledged allegiance to the flag, Pres.-Elect Connie announced that Pres. Sidney was home from the hospital where he was outfitted with a pacemaker. We hope he will be back in action soon. We note here the passing of our fellow member and good friend.
Connie told us that Duane Plank gave a very moving testimonial of Fred's life at the memorial service.
At the band instrument award presentation for Liberty MS I mentioned to Al Renz again how much we enjoyed our business meeting meal. He thanked me, but said his wife Marlene really disserves the credit. He added that they team to do thisfor their church regularly. Al reported that they might soon have a counselor for a new JOOI Club at Sparkman HS. Also, Al recognized Perry Law's move to PGI Level 2 by appropriately pinning him. Al and Rebecca Billings have submitted a write-up to the Chamber of Commerce for consideration in the not-for-profit category of awards. Rebecca asked that a roster of member's e-mail addresses be collected and published. Tom Casteel has agreed to pull this together. Please send an e-mail to Tom at With the cost of bulletin postage increasing from 39 to 41 cents she thought that savings could be made by e-mailing the bulletin. Actually, Tom makes the weekly bulletin available already on our website
Matt Hancock introduced today's speaker, his partner Larry Daniel. Larry gave us a very comprehensive account of his years in the district attorney's office. It turns out most serious crime is drug-related, and it is difficult to' prosecute those responsible since those in position to give convicting evidence always opt for jail sentences rather than be killed. Larry went over other law subjects, e.g., wills, living wills, powers of attorney, real estate closures, etc. A typical month can involve 300 real estate closers in Huntsville by one law firm.
AI Renz won the pot today, and after we recited the creed we all had our picture made standing behind our 60th anniversary banner thanks to George Ferrell and Paul Fowler. Hopefully, OI will see fit to include this in the magazine as they did 10 years ago.
This week Dr. Rao Kakani will discuss his philosophy of life. Don't miss it! The Board Meeting is scheduled for Tues. June 5, 4pm, at Gay Pepper's Bank.