Last night we all enjoyed our annual Christmas party at the Redstone Arsenal Officers' Club - arrangements thanks to Al Castelli. To start things off we rose to join Al Renz in giving thanks for many blessings. Since there was no flag in the room we postponed the pledge of allegiance until a flag could be brought in and then we rose again to pay our respects.
The food was unusually delicious and the fellowship was outstanding. Starting with Pres. Sidney's "Sippin' Cider Through a Straw" routine to get all involved, Bob Martin passed out song books and we joined in appropriate singing for the occasion. Al Renz announced that the Sparkman High JOOI Club had 20 in attendance at its 2nd meeting - an increase from 5 at its 1st meeting. Rebecca's son is the founding president and he was with us and spoke briefly. This Junior Mafia Club promises to have a bright future under his leadership, assisted by the Big Harvest Mafia.
Pres. Sidney; decked out in a bright red jacket, reminded us of Santa Claus. He told us many Christmas stories with serious messages, and the meeting seemed to be permeated with Love. Later he found a bag of gifts under the tree and his granddaughter, Skylar, helped him distribute hand-crafted Holiday ornaments to all the ladies. It was especially good to have some of our members present who have had health problems this year. I'm thinking of Ed Clark, Fred Binner and Ray Swaim; and the spouses added much to our festivities. We should find more reasons to include them.
Now we have just 2 more meetings this year. Charlie Lyle has arranged for author Mildred Holmes to discuss her book on the 14th. The book is titled "Poor Orphan Trash", and tells of her experiences growing up as an orphan. Then on the 21st we'll hold our December business meeting. At that meeting I feel sure Al Renz will be challenging each one of us to advance to the next PGI level in 2007. Fulfillment of this will ensure a successful year for our leader and, no doubt, will elevate our club to be the preeminent club in the District. It's up to us. My New Year's resolution is to be one of those moving up.