Duane Plank gave the invocation today, and led us in the pledge to our flag. Pres. Sidney called on Al Castelli to review the status of the Christmas party scheduled for Wed. Dec. 6 at 6:30 pm. Al said to use the Drake Ave. (Goss Rd.) gate or the Rideout Rd. Gate to access Redstone. On the arsenal the Officers Club is identified as ROTC on signs. If you have a car decal be sure to also have your badge and you should have no trouble at the gate. If you don't have a Redstone decal be sure to have your drivers license, car registration, and evidence of insurance. All people in the car must be on the attendance list Al has compiled. Any late additions to the attendance list should be arranged via Al. If you enter from Drake continue straight up the hill and look for ROTC on the right. If you go in from Rideout the guard can tell you how to circle back to find the ROTC.
Gift giving at the party was discussed, and it was agreed that Al Castelli would contact local sporting goods stores and find the best deal he could negotiate on sports items for Christmas Charities with the club picking up the tab. Al has selected an attractive meal of Chicken Supreme, Beans Almondine, Scalloped Potatoes, Salad, Rolls, Cherry Cobbler, Tea and Coffee. Thanks Al for taking on this project.
We had a good turnout today, including one guest other than the program people. She was Rebecca's guest, but Rebecca didn't make the meeting. Also Nov. Program chairman Howard Wright was unable to be present so Pres. Sidney introduced today's speaker. He was Chester Andrews who has recently moved here from Chicago, and was assisted by Michelle Romero and one other. Mr. Andrews described the Hope Ministries Youth Center currently under development. The Center is located near the intersection of University Dr. And Pulaski Pike in the former Elks Lodge building. Hope plans to target at-risk youngsters age 5 and above, and emphasize all facets of the arts. Mr. Andrews envisions it being the Julliard of the South, a 1st class facility, featuring state-of-the-art technology and top qualified instruction. Hopefully, they will be able to offer enriching experiences to those seeking an artistic oriented career.
George Ferrell passed around a recent article from the Times about a $26,600 check presented to the mayor to be used in local schools. Optimist Clayton Hanna said Bill Heard's Drive for Education program donates $100 for every car sale to any public or private school the buyer chooses. The check above is from one month's sales. Their goal for 2007 is $500,000.
Charlie Lyle is program chairman for Dec and on the 14th he has arranged for author Mildred Holmes to review her recent book, "Poor Orphan Trash", about her experiences growing up in an orphanage. Charlie's son, Alan, is recovering from a recent automobile accident, so please keep the Lyles in your thoughts and prayers.
Al Renz won the attendance prize today. He had his PGI charts prominently on display and will give us a progress report at our business meeting on the 21st at the Optimist Recreation Center. Pres. Sidney announced that there will be no meeting on the 28th.