VOL. 61, No. 7, November 16, 2006
Today's business meeting was held at the ORC with about 30 in attendance. The fare of chicken fingers, baked beans, cole slaw, toast, pie and tea was well received.
Duane announced that today was a momentous day for our club and the Harvest Community. A group of students from Sparkman's 9th grade were to be officially organized into a new Junior Optimist Club in a ceremony right after school. Duane said Rebecca and Alberto worked hard to bring this about. Rebecca's son will be one of the charter members. Our Harvest mafia continues to impress. Pres. Sidney asked all who could to attend this meeting to welcome these youngsters and show them our support.
Al Renz discussed PGI. He has prepared a series of large (easy to read) charts and had them on the meeting room wall for all to view. Our roster has been evenly divided into Red, White and Blue Teams; with team captains Alberto, Duane and Will. In addition to a chart for each team, showing the level of each member, Al has a thermometer type chart to track progress and an overall scorecard chart. Collectively these Renz Charts will be ubiquitous at our meetings this year allowing us to see at a glance where we stand. Keep up with them and help your team win. Al said the prize in this competition is secret at this time. Since new member sponsorship is key to advancing through the levels, Al suggests that we take advantage of our Chamber of Commerce membership and attend some of their functions. He and Rebecca recently attended one of their meetings and Al came away with more than 30 business cards of people he talked to about our club and its service projects. Without exception his contacts agreed to attend one of our luncheon meetings when invited. Al plans to follow through on this and anyone else can, too. This is shaping up as a banner year of increased fellowship, reflecting our President's leadership. We may be bursting at the seams before this year is out. Al continued to tell us of his involvement in club activities since joining the club less than a year ago. He encourages each of us to find the time for direct contact with youth in some way.
I thought the above important so I only have space to summarize other subjects at today's meeting. John Shirey reported on band instruments. Bob Martin talked community outreach. Clyde is reviewing our by-laws and starting work on the essay contest. He has established a website. If you know anyone wishing more information refer them to hsvoptessay@Yahoo.com. Connie is getting started on the oratorical contest. Duane will soon be ready to tell us of his Deaf and Hard of Hearing oratorical plans. Ralph Caneer spoke on Youth Appreciation. Zack is getting started on NOW plans. Al Castelli gave details on our Christmas Party Wednesday, Dec. 6. at 6:30 pm. Go to the Drake Avenue Arsenal gate. The Officers' Club is about a mile up the hill on the right. Those not having a Redstone decal will be stopped and asked for proof of auto insurance, and others in the vehicle must be on the attendance list. Al will be compiling the list soon. Ralph announced that the club needs to fill an opening on the Huntsville Optimist Foundation' board at the December business meeting. There will be no newsletter next week. Our next meeting will be Nov. 30 at the Downtown Holiday Inn - Ava Farr of Hope Ministries will speak:
Nov 23 |
| Thursday |
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| Thanksgiving |
Nov 27 |
| Wednesday |
| 4:00 pm |
| Coca-Cola Office |
| Optimist Foundation |
Nov 30 |
| Thursday |
| 11:45 am |
| Downtown Holiday Inn |
| Ava Farr |
Dec 6 |
| Wednesday |
| 6:30 pm |
| Redstone Officers Club |
| Christmas Party |
Carl W. |
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