VOL. 61, No. 5, November 2, 2006

After Pres. Sidney Sandridge led us in prayer and the pledge of allegiance he recognized guests. Howard Wright's guest was Tim Krentel employed by Bill Heard, training salesmen. Duane Plank's guest was retired pharmacist Don Copeland.

Al Castelli determined that the new Embassy Suites hotel was too expensive for our club's Christmas party, so he has made arrangements to hold the party at the Redstone Officers Club, on Wednesday, Dec. 6 at 6:30 pm. Enter the arsenal through the gate located near the intersection of Jordan Lane and Drake Avenue. If you don't have an arsenal decal be sure to tell the guard you plan to attend the Optimist party, and have evidence that your car is insured.

Bill Clarke is teaching math (mostly fractions) and reading at the Adult Learning Center (333 Franklin St.). He invites others to also become involved a few hours each week to help same folks qualify for the GED Program.- Bill finds it a very rewarding experience, and thinks you will, too.

Some time back Zack moved that Charlie Lyle (Episcopal Saint) be known as an honorary Charter Member of the Huntsville Optimist Club. The motion passed unanimously, but was never reported via this club newsletter. Charlie qualifies for this recognition since he is the only current club member present at the club's Charter Presentation at the Russell Erskine Hotel in May 1947 as a 16 year old trumpet player in Hilding Holmberg's popular dance band of that era and hired to provide music for the occasion.

Duane introduced today's speaker Charles Wiley. Mr. Wiley, a world-class speaker has met with us previously, and he discussed many subjects of concern today. Basically, he blames the national media for deciding what problems should currently be the center of our attention, overlooking many of the others. Also, politicians (on both sides of the aisle) are more interested in retaining their seats than in solving problems. Unless the national media through more objective reporting can somehow improve the collective wisdom of a well-informed electorate, Wiley is not too optimistic at this time. He promises to return in about a year to update us on his view of world affairs.

Nov 7 Tuesday 4:00 pm 1st Commercial Bank Board Meeting
Nov 9 Thursday 11:45 am Downtown Holiday Inn TBA
Nov 16 Thursday 11:45 am Optimist Recreation Center TBA (E. Clark)
Nov 23 Thursday   Thanksgiving NO MEETING
Nov 27 Wednesday 4:00 pm Coca-Cola Office Foundation Meeting
Carl W.