VOL. 61, No. 2, October 12, 2006
Pres. Sidney asked one of his fellow mafians to give the invocation and lead us in the pledge of allegiance to old glory. It was good to have Jerry Shoemaker with us. He was one of about 30 in attendance, but I think no guests except for our luncheon speaker. Sidney said Lt. Gov. Duarte is spreading his beloved "Moments of History" across the District. Alberto reminded us that next week's meeting will be at noon in the Randolph School library. Lunch will be served. Please - let's have a good turnout to show our Junior Club they have our full support. Copies of Committees and all key players (including current modifications) has been compiled by our president and were available for all members. Buddy Beck wanted it to be clear the Community Outreach chairman is Bob Martin and that he (Buddy) is co-chairman.
Duane conducted an indoctrination ceremony for Jeff Sandridge and Charlie Lyle, two recent additions to our roster. Duane also passed around a sign-up sheet offering members the opportunity to be program chairmen for a month. Seven signed up. We still need program chairmen for November, January, February and March. See Duane to claim one of these choice months. Since we'll be meeting with the ROC (Randolph Optimist Club) next week in lieu of our monthly business meeting always scheduled for the 3rd Thursday, and since Ed Clark has a program for the 26th, there'll be no October business meeting.
Ralph Caneer, President of the HOF (Huntsville Optimist Foundation), has set a meeting for Wed., Nov. 1, at 4:00pm in Paul Fowler's Coca-Cola office across the street from the North Hall. Anyone interested can attend, but voting members are limited to Caneer, Klimek, Winkler, Thompson, Shirey, Fowler and Nevins.
Alberto reported that the clubs in Zone 3 have agreed to once again plan to have a combined Respect for Law banquet next May. Furthermore, they plan a car raffle with the proceeds going to charity. Three Bill Heard Chevrolet Optimists are enthusiastic supporters.
Buddy Beck introduced today's speaker, Tom Howell, who related many interesting anecdotes about Old Cars, including humorous events involving local car dealers. Tom is a member of the Tuesday Evening Optimist Club and seemed to know several in the audience. He gave us a pop quiz on old cars which we mostly failed miserably, however, we enjoyed his stories and were amazed at his knowledge of the subject. Bob Martin won the money today.
Oct 19 |
| Thursday |
| NOON |
| Randolph School Library |
| ROC Installation |
Oct 26 |
| Thursday |
| 11:45 am |
| Downtown Holiday Inn |
| TBA (E. Clark) |
Nov 1 |
| Wednesday |
| 4:00 pm |
| Coca-Cola Office |
| Foundation Meeting |
Carl W. |
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