VOL. 60, No. 37, July 20, 2006
First of all I'd like to thank George Ferrell for taking notes at today's business meeting - Will Dawes presiding. Only 17 were in attendance, therefore, there was plenty of pizza for all - arranged by Brad Sandford. Pres. Will passed around a "Pennies for Childhood Cancer" bucket. He suggested that any member not wearing the Optimist lapel pin could empty his or her pocket change into the bucket.
Will reported on the OI Convention field earlier this month. The controversial proposed OI reorganization plan was overwhelmingly not approved. Other members attending were President-Elect Sidney Sandridge, Governor-Elect Tom Casteel, Duane Plank and Alberto Duarte. It was announced that next year's convention will be in Montreal.
Reporting on the recent board meeting, Will said Rebecca Billings proposed that our club become affiliated with the Huntsville Chamber of Commerce. She added that there are presently 7 non-profit members - one being the Huntsville Rotary Club. The board recommended to the club that we take this step at an annual membership fee of $295. All comments were in favor of this, e.g., the club would enjoy highly visible exposure among new BRAC people soon to move here, giving us a strong potential for recruiting new members. The club voted to make this demonstration. It remains to work out the details of who will be our representative in Chamber meetings.
The Secretary/ Treasurer's report for June was presented by Jeff Klimek and was approved. The committee charged with finding a possible new meeting place since the Downtown Holiday Inn has notified us that meal charges will increase has investigated 12 other facilities. It was the committee's conclusion that all sites comparable to the Downtown Holiday Inn are equally or more expensive. It is becoming increasingly evident that a dues increase is in our near future, and sentiment seems to be building to not move at this time.
It was announced that chaplain John Burns has suffered a heart attack. Duane Plank said that Fred Binner continues to need our prayers, but isn't strong enough to have visitors right now. Tom Casteel reminded members that the Alabama/ Mississippi District Convention is scheduled for Montgomery August 17-19. The band instrument committee has inventoried our instruments and finds several missing. Anyone having instruments at their home please contact Bill Clarke or John Shirey. Distribution of instruments for 2006/2007 is imminent. Duane Plank will reveal our luncheon speakers for August next week. Brad Sanford is working on putting out club road signs. Our program on the 27th will again feature a recipient of one of our community service grants, telling us about their work.
July 27 |
Thursday |
11:45 am |
Downtown Holiday Inn |
Community Service |
Carl W. |