VOL. 60, No. 22, March 30, 2006
We met today at the Downtown Holiday Inn with VP Connie Gipson presiding. There were between 25 and 30 in attendance. Fred Garcia was the guest of Al Renz. Chaplain Burns gave the invocation and led the pledge of allegiance. It was announced that Fabiani Duarte has received a full 4-year scholarship to prestigious Vanderbilt University in Nashville. Furthermore he is also the recipient of the Coca-Cola Prize of $5,000 per year while in college to use for travel-related education. We are all indeed proud of this outstanding young man, and expect great future achievements from him.
Buddy Beck called for members to support the 4-H Round-Up at the ORC on Thurs. April 20, and he got several volunteers to serve as judges that morning. That is the same day as our monthly business meeting (that we expected to have at Carleton Cove), however they are unable to accommodate us on that day, so our Board will have to come up with an alternate plan.
Bill Clarke reminded us that it was time to identify those middle school band players whom we want to honor this year for their outstanding work. Lt. Gov. Ed Clark announced that all clubs in his Zone plan a combined "Respect For Law" Banquet on May 1 st at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be held at the Mayfair Church of Christ (corner of Garth and Carl Jones). Ed Clark moved that we spend $200 to provide ROC (Randolph Optimist Club) T-Shirts as we did last year. Alberto seconded the motion and it passed. Alberto added that the Randolph Talent Show would be Fri. April 7 with many ROC members participating. Please try to attend this event to show our support.
Since apparently no program was scheduled for today Connie asked new member Howard Wright to tell a little about himself. Howard oozed optimism in describing his public relations work for Bill Heard Chevrolet. He sees his forte for the club as becoming involved in fund raising, and he demonstrated how easy it was to raise my funds by picking my name out of the box today.
Zack reported that Al Castelli is starting to get around some without his walker. Al can be reached at 881-2890. Also he is accepting visitors at Redstone Village.
Next week the Young and Restless Bluegrass Band will make their annual visit to our club. Our program chairman for April is George Ferrell. If you haven't heard this group before you have a treat in store. Make a special effort to attend and help George celebrate his 39th birthday. Later in the month George is trying to get a veteran of the Iraq War for our speaker.
Apr 4 |
| Tuesday |
| 4:00 pm |
| 1st Commercial Bank |
| Board Meeting |
Apr 6 |
| Thursday |
| 11:45 am |
| Downtown Holiday Inn |
| TBA (George Ferrell) |
Carl W. |
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