Our meeting today was well attended. Pres. Will enthusiastically presided over a crowd of 40 or more. John Burns gave the invocation and led us in the pledge of allegiance. Alberto introduced his two guests and Sidney his one who is a prospective new member. Our other guests were all connected to the essay contest (judges, essayists and parents). Byrom Goodwin was our essay contest chairman this year and he received 19 essays from 4 different schools. The winning writers were asked to read their submissions. First, we heard from the 3rd place winner from New Hope; next, the 2nd place winner, also from New Hope; and finally the 1St place winner, Fabiani Duarte, from Randolph. Like the recent olympics; bronze, silver and gold medallions were awarded, along with certificates and checks ($25, $50, $100). Byrom said the judges' evaluations were very close, and all essays we heard today were excellent. Byrom introduced the panel of 3 well-qualified judges and gave each a plaque of our Optimist Creed as a token of our appreciation. Congratulations to Byrom for an outstanding job.
Several members were back today after being absent for several weeks. I guess the spring-like day brought them out. However, Duane Plank noted that Dick Daugherty has not met with us since the passing of his (and our) good friend
George Harris who sponsored him into club membership. We sure miss you, Dick, and look forward to seeing you at our meetings again soon.
Remember on Thurs. Mar. 9 there will be no luncheon meeting. Instead, we will convene the NOW Banquet at 6:30 pm at the Holiday Inn. Duane Plank is the chief honcho for this affair. He will be calling on several committee chairs to make brief remarks on the value of club membership to themselves and the community. Mary Flynn from the Hawthorne Conservatory, who spoke to us so inspiringly recently, will be our Keynote Speaker. Pres. Will said all guests today could expect to receive letters from Duane, inviting them to our NOW Banquet.
A reminder to Board Members - meet Tues. Mar. 7 - 1St Commercial Bank.
Al Castelli is making steady progress in his rehab program now moved to Redstone Village. Fred Binner took home the attendance prize today.