President Will Dawes asked Dr. Sandridge to give yesterday's invocation, since chaplain Hershel Bingham was to be our featured speaker. Will said they didn't have a quorum at last week's board meeting so he'd like to try again on Tuesday Dec. 13 at 4:00 pm at Gay's Bank. We were a little late in reserving the room at Optimist Recreation Center for our Christmas Party so unless I hear otherwise it will be up to the telephone committee to call those who signed up with the details of time and place.
Hershel took us down memory Lane yesterday. Many of his stories included super optimist John Lee Wilkinson, a Coca Cola salesman. John Lee is credited with playing a major roll in the establishment of several Optimist Clubs in our vicinity. He passed on in 1968 and Hershel was awarded his position at Coca Cola, also joining the Optimist Club. Hershel served the club as President and later twice he was Lt. Gov. Hershel shared with us several business and military memories he and John Lee had in WW II, eventually serving in France.
Kurt Leopard won the attendance prize. Sidney Sandridge has the January programs.
No club meetings on the 22nd & 29th.
No board meeting on Jan. 3.
No bulletins during the Holidays.
Next club meeting Jan. 5 at Holiday Inn - Select
Seasons Greetings,
Carl W. |
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