Don't miss our meeting this week. Our nonagenarian chaplain Hershel Bingham will be our speaker. His early memories go back to the period immediately following WW 1. He was our 28th President, serving in that capacity in `74/75.
President Will Dawes presided over today's meeting. After reciting the Serenity Prayer he called on chaplain Bingham for the invocation and to lead the club in the pledge of allegiance. Between 25 and 30 were in attendance, including Brad Grasham, guest of Will Dawes; and Mike Lankford, guest of Harold Eskew. Alberto reported that his wife Nelli is now in rehab at Carlton Cove and doing well. He thanks those who have visited her. Fred Binner's granddaughter was recently involved in an automobile accident and he asked that she be in our thoughts.
In lieu of the monthly business meeting on December 15 Pres. Will asked that we set that aside for our annual members' and guests' Christmas Dinner to be held in the evening at the Optimist Recreation Center. More on this in next week's bulletin. As is our custom members are not charged for their dinner, but will be charged for their guests. The election of two members to the Optimist Foundation Board is deferred till the January business meeting. I think there will be no club meetings on the 22nd and 29th. The first meeting for 2006 will be on January 5th preceded by a board meeting on the 3rd of January at First Commercial Bank. Sidney Sandridge has our January programs.
Jeff Klimek gave an interesting talk today, including a short description of his banking resume, but mostly about a fishing trip to northern Minnesota with his son and a few other fathers and sons. He passed around pictures from the trip, showing their canoes, camping gear and extremely scenic country. Jeff also told about his hobby of crafting turkey-calling devices. These are made from turkey wing bones. He demonstrated calls with a variety of pitches for us. Near the close of the meeting Governor-Elect Tom Casteel called Fred Binner up to present him with what he called a Sergeant at Arms pin. While Fred was advancing to the front of the room Jeff started playing a turkey call and Fred responded by flapping and dancing his way forward. The pin was a flashing red button that said "I-Heart-Optimism" to be used as he greets people each week. Alberto Duarte won the attendance prize today.