VOL. 60, No. 6, November 10, 2005

We had about 25 in attendance today. Pres. Will Dawes started the meeting by calling on Hershel Bingham for the invocation and pledge. Will noted that our dear friend and long-time Optimist Will Sanderson has passed from our midst. His many contributions to our club, and his regular appearance in his 10-gallon Stetson will not soon be forgotten. Truly Will was one of the giants of the Huntsville Optimist Club.

Pres. Dawes had to leave early, so he asked Past Pres. Duarte to preside over the balance of the meeting. Ralph Caneer made a correction on the two seats that need to be filled on the Optimist Foundation Board at next week's business meeting. Zack Thompson and Beth Townsend need to be re-elected or replaced (3 years as a club member needed to qualify).

Alberto introduced our speaker for today, Lori Jones, Director of the Child Development Center. She told about her fast-growing school that currently serves about 100 young children - some as young as 3 years of age.

All Optimists are invited to Martha and Joe Pullen's home at 1901 Cedar Ridge Rd. to meet Champ Lyons who is running for re-election to the Alabama Supreme Court. Enter Covemont -turn left on Fairmont - turn right onto Woodcliff- then turn left onto Cedar Ridge. Drop in between 5 and 8 pm Thurs. Nov. 17.

Byrom Goodwin was thinking of Thanksgiving recently and he wrote: "As we reflect on our abundant rewards, let us gratefully acknowledge the courage and tenacity of our forefathers, the pilgrims who first settled in America. Our heart-felt appreciation also goes to our Native American brothers who gave unselfishly of their wisdom, talents and labor to assure our survival during those harsh, first years. Thanks to God for his masterful guidance. We ask that He continue to protect us and our soldiers who make it possible for us to keep and enjoy our country's riches." Thanks, Byrom.

Clyde Nevins won the attendance prize.


Nov 16 Wednesday 4:00 pm Regions Trust Department Optimist Foundation
Nov 17 Thursday 11:45 am Optimist Recreation Center Business Meeting
Nov 24 Thursday NO MEETING Thanksgiving
Dec 1 Thursday 11:45 am Holiday Inn Select TBA by Jeff Klimek
Dec 6 Tuesday 4:00 pm 1st Commercial Bank Board Meeting
Carl W.