A Sad Note - Our good friend, fellow member, and recent Board member Duane Williamson passed away Sunday night after a protracted illness that limited his participation in our Club. He will be missed by us all, and his family has our sympathy and prayers. Visitation will be Wednesday from 6-8pm at the Laughlin Funeral Home on Bob Wallace, and the service will be Thursday, 2:00, at the l" Baptist Church Chapel. President Duarte called the business meeting to order at 11:45 at the ORC. Chaplain Bingham gave the invocation, and we promptly dived into another Boston Butt Bar-BQ catered by Sam Morris. Wonderful food, Sam. Jeff Klimek had Johnathan Berryhill as his guest today.
A special election was held to replace 1s VP-Elect Tom Casteel (new District Governor Elect), 2"d VP-Elect James Overbeek (moved to Nashville), and recently resigned Board Member Duane Williamson (illness). The nominating committee, represented by Duane Plank, nominated Sidney Sandridge, Connie Gibson, and Jim Roe, respectively. No nominations were received from the floor, and the slate was elected by acclamation. Bill Clarke reported on the Band Instrument Committee. He moved that the Club buy 3 flutes that are in demand; motion was seconded, then amended by Ralph Caneer to have the Club ask the Foundation to reimburse it for the flutes. Carried unanimously.
Jeff Klimek presented the Treasurer's report, which was approved unanimously. Clyde Nevins, Chair of the Community Service Committee, has made contact with the Harvest Boys and Girls Club, as they are interested in being the recipient of our November pancake breakfast. Will Dawes noted for the Fund Raising Committee that the profit level for the first breakfast was near $3000, with checks still arriving. George Ferrell reported that a number of our events have been publicized by the Times, the Madison Record, and Speaking Out News. Duane Plank, for the Membership Committee, identified 12 prospective members that we may sign at the last meeting of the year. President Duarte indicated that the Randolph Optimist Club began the year with 32 members, and is heavy in Juniors and Sophomores, which portends well for the Club. A Happy Note - Our annual Club Picnic will be held Saturday, September 24th 12:OO Noon, at the home of Ray and Glennis Swaim. Activities include pony rides, hayrides, horseshoes, lively chatter, and a great picnic meal. The fare includes Bar-BQ Yardbird, Tube Steak (Hot dogs), potato salad, beans, Cole slaw, ice cream, and, watermelon. Bring a LAWN CHAIR, A BAG OF ICE, A POTLUCK DISH, AND AN APPETITE. Thank you, Swaims, for having us again. Directions to the farm are attached.
President Duarte thanked the Club members who worked hard at their assigned tasks during the past year, and the Club expressed its appreciation to him for his exemplary leadership. It has been a fine year. With the recitation of our Creed, we adjourned the Mutual Admiration Society. See you Thursday the 22nd at the Hilton, and Thursday night the 29th at the ORC for Installation of Officers. Dinner will be served at the Installation.
Directions to Swaim Farm
Ray and Glennis Swaim
Take 1-565 East out of Huntsville.
Travel over the hill on 72 East to the second traffic light and turn left at McDonalds onto Shields Road (no sign at this intersection).
Continue on Shields to Winchester Road (2.3 miles) and turn right.
You will cross the Flint River, pass Riverton Elementary School, Buckhorn High School, travel through the little town of New Market, cross the New Market Memorial Bridge, pass through Plevna, then Bates Grocery on the right _ (last place to make a. purchase before you reach the farm).
You will cross the AL-TN State Line where the road becomes the John Hunter Highway.
From the State Line, travel 1.9 miles and turn right in deep curve onto the Old Huntsville Road (no sign).
Wind 1.7 miles to Elora Post Office and turn right.
Travel 1.1 miles and turn right on Short Cut Road (#201 is on a mailbox at this point).
Go to Mountain Road and turn right.
Travel 0.4 miles and turn left at top of the hill onto a dirt road. First house on the left.