We were called to order by our El Presidente Alberto Duarte at the Holiday Inn Select in beautiful downtown Huntsville today. Alberto had spoken to Duane Williamson before the meeting and learned he was at home, but had gall bladder surgery earlier in the week. Duane was hoping he was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with this surgery and hopes to be back with us soon. Keep getting better Duane. We learned from James Overbeek that Bill Clarke had caught a bout with pneumonia. Keep Bill in your prayers. Brother Hershel then led us in the blessing and our pledge and we feasted on Holiday Inn Chicken Cordon Bleu, etc.
We had one guest today, Chris Anderson, who was introduced by Tim Brumlow. Will Dawes and Zach Thompson gave a brief update from the Optimist International Convention in New Orleans last week. Will started and Zach finished and we will save the best for the business meeting this week. It sounds like we will have a lot to talk about. Clyde announced that Thursday, July 28th, the Boys and Girls Club has reserved a few spots for us at "The Night with the Stars" at Joe Davis Stadium. Clyde believes we have about 25 allotments. Let Clyde know at the business meeting if you would like to attend. All new members try and attend our regular meeting on July 28th. Duane would like to have a new member induction on this day.
Today's moment of history included the birthdays of President Gerald Ford, Ingmar Bergman and Donald Trump. In 1775, the U.S. Army was founded by the Continental Congress. In 1777, the Continental Congress adopted the "Stars and Stripes" as the national flag. Philadelphia observed the first Flag Day in 1893. Hawaii became a U.S. territory in 1900. Vietnam was formed in 1949. Last and certainly not least, in 1954 President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed an order adding the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance.
Duane put together another outstanding program today when he invited Lisa Williams, President and CEO of 3D Research. 3D builds software to test during war games. Their goal is to intercept missiles to make sure debris doesn't fall on any one and harm them. This was one of the first times I have ever witnessed a public speaker let the audience pick the subject on what we would like to hear. Lisa is so talented, organized and driven. She is an asset to the city of Huntsville and to our country. Lisa was born in Vietnam and gave a testimony on her mother and father and showed us if you dream and work hard enough anything is possible. Thank you Lisa for coming and thank you Duane for another great program.
Remember our business meeting on the 21st. We will have a lot to cover, so everyone try and attend. John Shirey won the attendance award. We then recited the creed and were dismissed.