Alberto called us to order at the Holiday Inn Select (formerly the Hilton) promptly at 11:45. Before our prayer, Alberto announced that Duane Williamson was having heart surgery. Our thoughts are with you Duane! Ralph Caneer's mother has had a bad week. Also Will Sanderson fell a couple of weeks ago and has been under the weather since. Let's remember each of these families in our prayers.
Our Chaplain, Hershel Bingham, was back thankfully and led another blessing that just seems to fill your heart with a little extra pump. We then recited the pledge. Prayer and the Pledge: I am so glad the courts haven't stopped civic clubs from their religious rights. Maybe I haven't spoke too soon.
Alberto had two guests, Deleida Perry and Mark Rogers. Deleida is retiring for the second time and Mark works with Alberto at NASA. He may join on a continuous basis as a new member.
Our moment of history went as follows: Katherine Hepburn was born in 1907, Joe Louis was born in 1914 and Stevie Wonder was born in 1951. The League of Nations was established in 1920 in Geneva, Switzerland. In 2002, former President Jimmy Carter visited Cuba. This was the first time a U.S. head of state has visited since Castro's revolution in 1959.
Next week is our Business meeting at Optimist Park. We will report on the Respect for Law Banquet, our last board meeting, the foundation meeting and each of club committees. Each committee chairman please come prepared to discuss.
One of newest members, Annette Anderson, donated a trombone to our cause. Thank you Annette! Remember the meeting on May 26th. The ROC members will join us along with the essay contest winners. Connie Gibson will present them their awards. Please make special effort to attend.
For the program today, Gay Pepper called a few new members and Alberto volunteered others to discuss the optimist club and what it means to them in their first few months together. Annette Anderson, Tom Casteel, James Overbeek, Tammy Westmoreland, Tim Brumlow and myself spoke a few moments about what the Optimist Club means to us and what we can and will do to make it better. One of the things I think we most agree on is the fact that the creed has a lot to with all of our lives and just makes us fill a little bit better about ourselves.
Ralph won the attendance prize. We then recited the creed and were dismissed.