VOL. 59, No. 26, April 28, 2005
On April 29, 2005, we met at the Holiday Inn with President Duarte presiding. 'Fred Binner gave the invocation and led us in the pledge to our flag. No guests were present. Duane Williamson and Will Sanderson were reported not feeling well. Tom Casteel reported that we had 5 members at the District meeting in Tupelo (Elvisburg). He also encouraged members to attend the District Convention in Sheffield on the 3rd weekend in August.
George Ferrell presented a proof for the new "Club brochure, along with his photos and a press release covering our Youth Appreciation Banquet. The Publicity committee is doing a fine job.
Clyde Nevins, his conscience smarting from continuously winning our attendance prize, presented the Club with a beautiful table-top folding lectern, complete with the OI logo on the front. Thank you Clyde!! He then suspiciously won the attendance prize again.
Our guest speaker today was Camille Solley, Director of the Big Brothers and Big Sisters for North Alabama. She gave an excellent description of their program, and stressed the need for more volunteers in this area.