VOL. 59, No. 17A, Feb. 24, 2005
The bell was rung promptly at 11:45 by our president, Alberto. Buddy Beck led the blessing and Alberto followed leading the pledge of allegiance. We then sat for a nice lunch at the Hilton that featured fried catfish and baked potato casserole. Alberto again had two desserts. Lists were passed around for new member considerations. Please get these filled out and back to Ed Clark or Will Dawes. Each potential member should be invited to our NOW Banquet on March 10th.
Alberto called our meeting to order. One guest was recognized, Byrl Farber, who is a retired firefighter with the City of Huntsville and present farmer. Alberto then stated he attended the NATS Alabama Festival in Mobile. Alberto again thanked everyone for the attendance at the business meeting. He thought it was very productive. He knew it went a bit long, but promised that every meeting from here on out will be one hour or less. Do we think he can keep this promise?
Next came our much anticipated moment in history. Younger brother Grimm, Wilhelm Karl was born in Hanau, Germany in 1786, Apple Computer founder Steve Jobs was born in 1955, President Andrew Johnson was impeached in 1868 and Juan Domingo Peron was elected president of Argentina in 1946.
Dick Dougherty reported on the essay contest. 3rd Place went to Emily Ricks, 2nd Place was Annie Stevens, and 1st Place was none other than our own, Fabiani Duarte. Great work Fabiani and congratulations! George Ferrell passed around the publicity the club received for the oratorical contest.
Past President Ed Clark introduced our interesting speaker, Dr. Frank Six, manager of Earth and Space Science Labs at NASA. We know Dr. Six is pretty smart since he did his thesis on "wave length radio emission from Jupiter" for his doctorate. Dr. Six showed slides from the Hubble Telescope. He has worked on this project for the past few years at NASA. At this time the Hubble has been damaged and Dr. Six wants one more repair job done before they give up on the project. We also learned that Pluto is no longer a planet as we were taught growing up. Thanks for coming Dr. Six!
The attendance prize was drawn and the first name out was our treasurer, Jeff Klimek. Since he wasn't present Clyde Nevins won the pot for about the fifteenth time.
We then recited the creed and were adjourned.
Kurt L.