After a bit of fellowship before lunch was served, Alberto rang the bell and gave the floor to our Hershel Bingham for the blessing and pledge of allegiance. After a mouth-watering feast from Smokey's Bar-B-Q provided by Ed Clark, Alberto, who announced we didn't need to go around his home this week due to all the sickness, called the business meeting to order. Alberto's whole family has been under the weather. We all hope they start feeling better. It was announced that Duane is trying to get his energy back. Keep your good spirits Duane. Just know we all care for you very much and hope you are back soon. Please keep praying for our dedicated member. Ed had his lovely wife, Dorothy, as a guest today.
Our moment of history had a little local flavor today with the announcement of Alberto's anniversary of arriving in Huntsville in February 1981 and the birth of his son, Fabiani, on February 16, 1988 in room 406. Happy Birthday Fabiani!
We had a good crowd of 21 in attendance today for the business meeting. It gave us a moment to get a few things covered. Alberto participated in the foundation meeting. Ralph Caneer read what was given to us in the budget to allocate as we see fit. Alberto will get with the Community Service Committee to get ideas. Alberto was satisfied with the business meeting held last week. Issues covered were: Alberto's open door policy to be given ideas, the oratorical contest, and creation of a Calling Committee consisting of Chairman Buddy Beck, Bill Clarke, James Overbeek, Chev Kellogg, and Hershel. They are to make sure everyone in the club is kept up to date on events.
The business meeting got officially started with an overview of our by-laws from Will Dawes. He wanted to make sure everything was understood. We went over the benefits and drawbacks. The benefits out-weighed the drawbacks, so after a little good time conversation we finally voted. The majority voted to accept the by-laws and the 501(c)(3) tax law.
We then discussed the importance of the NOW Banquet to be held March 10th. Get your prospective members to Will or Ed ASAP. Karen Peterlin then gave a report on the oratorical contest. She announced the winners: 1st place-Tommy Wallace, Runner-up-Megan Kenny. Connie Gibson then gave an update on the essay contest and announced that we will know the winners when she has an auditor check her math. Band Instrument Committee Chairman James Overbeek gave us an update on our instruments. James wants each band committee member to get with him for a list of instruments. NOW Committee member Ed wants 50 potential members contacted. Each of us need to get at least 2 names of prospects and give to Ed or Will. Our own Will Dawes is the feature speaker. Community Service Chairman Clyde Nevins mailed out applications to 24 grant prospects. Finance Committee Chairman (Secretary-Treasurer) Jeff Klimek has our finances in order. Publicity Chairman George Ferrell has sent pictures and stories to our local Madison County newspapers for future publishing.
Alberto then displayed our awards earned at the district meeting and in turn George awarded Alberto a VCR tape of the movie Diablo. They say it's an inside joke. I don't think we want to know. We then recited the creed and were dismissed. Next weeks program is NASA Engineer Frank Six.