VOL. 59, No. 9, Dec 9, 2004
Last night we enjoyed our annual Christmas dinner at the Optimist Recreation Center. Everyone brought covered dishes and gifts for Hope Place (the club supplied the ham, turkey and tea). The food was delicious and everyone seemed to be in a festive mood. Before eating, Hershel Bingham gave a prayer that included a petition that all present remember those unable to attend in prayers and thoughts. After pledging allegiance to the flag, we proceeded to the buffet-style food that seems to be attractive to our members. One of the best moves this past year has, in my opinion, been changing our regular meetings to the Hilton with its buffet-style choices. Although I don't have any records, it seems that members are more inspired to invite guests since our move.
President Alberto Duarte welcomed everyone to the meeting and had everyone introduce his or her guests. He next proceeded to the "Moment of History", recalling several events that took place around this date in the past. These included the birth of John Milton in 1608 (author of Paradise Lost), the birth of actor Kirk Douglas in 1916, Pearl Harbor in 1941, the shooting of John Lennon in 1980, and the agreement between the US and the USSR to reduce nuclear arsenals in 1987.
Alberto passed out copies of a communication he received from Optimist International, and asked that each member be prepared to discuss it at next week's business meeting, so that he can respond to OI. It means our club adopting a standard set of By-Laws in order to achieve task-exempt status.. Tom Casteel was installed as our newest member by Duane Plank. Tom has been active in Optimism for several years in another club, and currently maintains a website for the District. He announced that he has agreed to serve on George Ferrell's publicity committee, and in that capacity he was already actively taking snap shots throughout the evening. Alberto then asked Duane to read the " Tale of Three Trees", a very meaningful essay appropriate for the Christian faith we currently celebrate.
Gay Pepper, who served as general Chairperson for the evening was given an enthusiastic applause for a job well done. She supervised the awarding of door prizes which our members always look forward to. This year's loot included several ceramic Santa Clauses, poinsettia plants. A wreath and bowls of gold balls. I think most every family won one or two times. I would be remiss if I didn't briefly describe Alberto's contribution to the evening as was evident by his talent as a standup comic and story teller. I found him to be quite funny and original. He could hold his own on the night-club circuit.
We recited the Optimist Creed and adjourned, but were reminded of next week's important business meeting at the ORC, and after that no meetings till Jan. 6, 2005 back at the Hilton.
Dec. 16 |
| Thursday |
| 11:45 am |
| ORC |
| Business Meeting |
Jan 6 |
| Thursday |
| 11:45 am |
| Hilton |
| TBA |
Carl W. |
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