Optimist International will be recognized worldwide as the premier volunteer organization that values all children and helps them develop to their full potential.
Achievements and Awards
Al Renz - Chair
Band Instrument Program
Tom Casteel - Chair
Bill Clarke
Matt Clarke
Al Renz
Community Awareness for Youth (CAFY)
Young Citizen of the Month
Keaires Roberson - Chair
Demetria Braudaway
Mattie Henderson
Al Renz
Essay Contest
Danielle Barnes - Chair
Al Renz
Jim Roe
Tom Rumph
Vastell Williams
Fund Raisers
Bob Hirschbuehler - Chair
Hawthorne Pancake Breakfast
Alberto Duarte - Chair
Al Renz
Keaires Roberson
Jim Roe
JOI Clubs
Al Renz - Chair
Kite Festival
Tom Casteel - Chair
Vastell Williams
Vastell Williams - Chair
Tom Casteel
Memorial Day Parade
Jim Roe - Chair
Bob Hirschbuehler
TBD - Chair
Tom Casteel
Oratorical Contest
Anita Weathers - Chair
Matt Clarke
Mattie Henderson
Al Renz
Kiaries Roberson
Jim Roe
Tom Rumph
Policy-Procedures & Bylaws
Tom Casteel - Chair
Professional Growth and Involvement (PGI)
Al Renz - Chair
Social Activities
Gay Pepper - Chair
Demetria Braudaway
Mattie Henderson
STEM Program
Tom Rumph - Chair
Tom Casteel
Mattie Henderson
Jim Roe
Vastell Williams
Tri-Star Basketball
Jesse Lang - Chair
Tom Casteel
Al Renz
Jim Roe
Vastell Williams
Youth Appreciation
Gay Pepper - Chair
Demeteia Braudaway
Mattie Henderson
© 2020 by The Optimist Club of Huntsville - Last update 15 January 2020